A quart is a unit of volume measurement commonly used in the United States and the United Kingdom to measure liquids and sometimes dry ingredients. The term “quart” is derived from “quartus,” meaning a quarter, as a quart is traditionally one-quarter of a gallon.
Types of Quarts:
US Liquid Quart:
1 US Liquid Quart = 0.946353 Liters
1 US Liquid Quart = 1/4 of a US Gallon
1 US Liquid Quart = 2 US Pints or 32 US Fluid Ounces
US Dry Quart
1 US Dry Quart = 1.10122 Liters
Primarily used for measuring dry substances like grains or fruits.
Imperial Quart (UK Quart)
1 Imperial Quart = 1.13652 Liters
1 Imperial Quart = 1/4 of an Imperial Gallon
1 Imperial Quart = 2 Imperial Pints or 40 Imperial Fluid Ounces
In general, quarts are used to measure volume in cooking, fuel, or fluid capacities in various industries. The size of a quart differs between the US and UK systems, so it’s important to be aware of the type of quart being referenced for accurate conversions.